Bike Ride
Almaden to Morgan Hill


The itinerary is not set in stone! It's just a rough idea of the timeframe involved. We can always change things on the fly if we're tired or want to play more :)

Time Description
9:30am Meet at the JN family's house
10:00am Latest time to start biking
11:45am-12:00pm Arrive in Morgan Hill
12:00-1:30pm Eat lunch
1:30pm Leave restaurant and start biking back
4:00pm Arrive home

Meeting Location

Meet up at the JN Family's house.

Biking Route

This biking route is pretty challenging. From our house, we bike on Via Valiente, turn onto Camden, then left onto Harry Rd which goes up to IBM Almaden Research Center (this requires an IBM badge to badge in). The climb up is about 1 mile, with about 3 places where it flattens out slightly for small breaks. After that, it's a nice long downhill coast out to Bernal, then it's down Santa Teresa to Bailey and then out onto Coyote Creek Trail.

On Coyote Creek Trail, it's a pretty flat and nice relaxing ride. It doesn't have much shade, though. When we biked it in the winter, it was beautiful, sunny yet cool, with nice green grass and bushes. Most likely in the summer it'd be a hot and dry ride.

Coyote Creek Trail ends in Morgan Hill, close to Cochrane. From there, we can bike to various different restaurants for lunch. Check out the list of restaurants further below.

Going back, it's pretty much the same until it gets to Bernal and going up to IBM Almaden Research Center. On this side of the climb, it's much longer and steeper, with only 2 breaks.

Given that there are multiple restaurant options in Morgan Hill and multiple optional destinations, I did not map a round trip route for every single possibility. Instead, I mapped a Google Maps route from the meeting location to Coyote Creek Visitor Center, right before the Coyote Creek Trail ends. After that, use the Google Maps links for the various lunch options in the section below to navigate.

Google Maps: Almaden Expressway & Rajkovich Way to Coyote Creek Visitor Center at Anderson Lake